Thursday, 28 June 2012

Get Carpet Ink Stains Out of the Way

Imagine for a moment that you are working on some documents and your pen gets broken, spilling a considerable amount of ink on your shirt. This is one of those things that can really make a person go off-the-rails. The most frustrating stain would be an ink stain on light-colored pants, t-shirt, shirt or carpet. I am certain that many carpet-owners have experienced how difficult it is to get rid of an ink stain that ended up on their carpet. Indeed, if you let an ink stain stay for a while, it will become more difficult to clean and could damage the fiber of your carpet.

Though it is not easy to clean ink off a light-colored carpet, it is not impossible. Actually, to get the best out of your carpet cleaning efforts, you need some helpful tips on how to go about it. There are several steps to follow if you must get rid of an ink stain on your carpet.

First, you must ensure that the stain is treated immediately it gets on the carpet. This is the first treatment you should give your carpet. This remedial action prevents the stain from becoming more difficult to clean. When you let the ink stain sit longer than it should, then you are in for a difficult carpet cleaning session. Remember, the best moment for your carpet cleaning magic to work on an ink stain is immediately it occurs.

Secondly, you would want to start by getting a neat cloth, preferably cotton-made. You will throw some alcohol on this piece of cloth. The best type of alcohol to address this situation would be Isopropyl. After the alcohol has soaked in, use the said cloth to blot out the stain from the affected area. The ink will slowly move from the carpet to the cloth. This step should be repeated several times. You must repeat this process until there is no longer any ink on the alcohol-soaked-cloth when rubbed on the affected area.

However, if this process does not completely get rid of the ink, get some carpet cleaning product from the nearest store and use it on the stain. After step one, the stain will be greatly reduced and this second step should help even more. As with the alcohol, apply the product on a clean cloth and blot the affected area. After two to four times of blotting, the stain should no longer be visible.

Indeed, remember to rinse the area you have just treated with clean water so that no residue should accumulate on the carpet.

To conclude, it is very important to have a few carpet cleaning tips under your sleeves so that your carpet cleaning endeavors would yield much.

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